Why You Should Tag Your Enterprise Content

Why You Should Tag Your Enterprise Content

Last Updated on May 15, 2023 Sarah Gayda

Do you want to empower your teams with a supercharged Search experience to accurately find documents with minimal time and effort?

The amount of data entering your organization and the amount of content with ‘business value’ has never been greater. But information overload and content sprawl has also reached new heights. And this means finding the content you need, when you need it, can be next to impossible, time consuming, and, let’s be honest, downright frustrating.

View a recording of Why You Should Tag Your Enterprise Content, a 40-minute webinar Wednesday, and learn how to:

  • Use labels and tagging (metadata) to improve your search experience and allow you to surface documents quickly and accurately
  • Properly tag and classify content as it comes into your organization – not after the fact
  • Save measurable time and money, and improve organizational compliance
  • Use Colligo cloud products to make auto-tagging, classifying, and filing fun and easy for end users


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