Outlook and SharePoint Integration: Better Together

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Last Updated on February 5, 2024 Sarah Gayda

Two plus Two is Ten

Synergy is where the combination of two good things results in benefits that far exceed their sum. Integrating Outlook with SharePoint is a combination that will far exceed your expectations.

The Value of Outlook and SharePoint Integration 

We tend to think of Outlook and SharePoint as unrelated tools. Outlook keeps us in contact with our customers, vendors, and our teams. Plus, Outlook keeps our personal schedule on track.

On the other hand, we think of Microsoft SharePoint as a shared storage place for documents. Consider storing important mailbox documents and information with related documents in SharePoint.

The two key principles of organization are: (1) a place for everything and (2) store “like with like.” Imagine effortlessly organizing emails, attachments, and related documents for projects, cases, and customers in SharePoint.

In this world, all files have labels for easy searching. This allows people to quickly find what they need and be efficient. All this is possible with an Outlook to SharePoint integration connector for email management.

What is Outlook SharePoint integration? 

Outlook SharePoint integration is a connector that simplifies the copying and moving of information between these two storage areas. This includes automation that will tag information for quick searches.

Instead of switching screens, Outlook becomes your control center to copy and share information with others from SharePoint.

Access SharePoint from Outlook by opening the Colligo side-panel. It allows easy access to SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and OneDrive in one place.

Objection: Sounds great, but can you read your emails in SharePoint? Absolutely you can. Plus, starting in December 2023, SharePoint will let you reply and forward emails stored in it using the Open in App feature.

Is setting up your own Outlook SharePoint integration difficult? 

Fortunately, Outlook SharePoint integration is as simple today as provisioning a 365 add-in. Building integration between the systems is no longer complex. Your admin only needs 10 minutes to create a safe and effective connection for everyone in your company. Plus the built-in security will make them smile.

Email Manager helps 

Colligo named our SharePoint Outlook connector Colligo Email Manager 365. Once provisioned, Email Manager works anywhere you access your email: On your desktop computer, browser, or mobile device. Our simple Microsoft 365 add-in framework gives users instant access.

A central portal lets advanced users customize Colligo Email Manager 365 for various work groups without IT help. You can easily and quickly configure it.

Saving email to SharePoint Online is easy with Colligo. You can also bulk copy hundreds of emails from an Outlook folder.

Success in Action

Let’s look at a few examples of customers who are saving a lot of time with Colligo Email Manager:

1. Compliance Agency achieved close to 75% time savings

A compliance agency had quickly moved to the cloud because of the pandemic. They wanted an easy way for staff to upload emails and attachments from Outlook to SharePoint. So, they selected Colligo Email Manager for Microsoft 365.

Before using Colligo, staff took multiple days to file emails to or send SharePoint files. With Colligo, Agency staff can now file and send emails within seconds. And without any administrative involvement. This is a time savings of close to 75% and has increased worker productivity.

A quote from the Agency’s Specialist, Information Technology says it all. “With Colligo, I get emails to SharePoint a lot faster than I ever did before. It’s so simple and easy and doesn’t require any training.”

SharePoint Outlook integration customer case study
Staff achieved a time savings of close to 75% with Colligo Email Manager for Microsoft 365.

2. Government Staff Save Hours Per Day

After successfully working with Colligo for years, a Canadian city government installed Email Manager in mere minutes. With little end-user training, user adoption of the product skyrocketed.

Teams within numerous City departments quickly reported substantial time savings. Users in Human Resources and the Clerk’s Office estimate they’re saving between 30 and 60 minutes per day per user.

In addition to the time savings, users appreciate how easy Colligo is to use. They can stay in Outlook and don’t have to open SharePoint Online to file emails and attachments. As a result, the City’s believes they are receiving considerably more return on their Microsoft 365 investment.

Start today 

Give your users easy access to all their documents directly from within our Microsoft Outlook app. We offer free trials. Start your free trial today.

Or, talk to us directly for more information on SharePoint Outlook integration.

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New! "Auto-file" email to SharePoint