Information Management Drives Business Outcomes in AI Era

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Last Updated on April 18, 2024 Sarah Gayda

Takeaways from AIIM Conference 2024, Guardians of the Future

Driving better business outcomes with information management in the era of AI and exponential data growth is a timely topic many information professionals can relate to. And that’s why Guardians of the Future was the theme of the 2024 AIIM Conference.

Again this year, the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM)’s annual event was packed with information professionals from around the world sharing knowledge, tips, struggles and unique perspectives. It’s become an annual favourite for the Colligo team!

In case you missed it, we’re sharing the top three takeaways from the conference so you can stay in the know.

Top 3 topics for information professionals

1. Information and data governance are more important than ever.

As organizations ready for AI, ensuring proper governance is in place is essential for security and privacy reasons. People we spoke with talked about the importance of implementing proper governance BEFORE working with AI applications, like Copilot. Further, putting proper access controls in place is a key part of this. We echoed this belief and delved into this topic in a recent webinar Is Your Data Ready for AI?

2. Companies want to use AI to help solve specific business challenges.

Leaders need to define strong use cases for when and if it makes sense to use AI. Using the various AI applications to solve real business problems and drive outcomes for the business is the focus of industry business leaders.

3. Email and document management compliance in the world of AI is still a hot topic!

Email compliance is top of mind for information management professionals. We had countless conversations about the fact the Outlook is a very poor storage repository for email records. All agree that best practice is to move emails into SharePoint where they can be tagged, labelled, filed compliantly and found again, and utilized by Copilot and similar AI applications in the future.

CEO Tim Brady took this one step further in his presentation “How to Get Your Company Data and Email AI-Ready.” He shared that managing, storing and securing data and information is critical to the success of AI in your company.

Tim described how one Colligo customer took proactive steps to get their data AI-ready, while implementing proper governance, so they could harness the power of this incredible technology while mitigating risks.

If you’re interested in learning more about email compliance, register for our upcoming webinar How to Make Email Records Management Easy with ‘Auto-File.’

How to Make Email Records Management Easy with ‘Auto-File’ Webinar Banner
Register now for the webinar.

Let’s turn your company data into a strategic asset

If you have any questions on what was covered at the AIIM Conference 2024, get in touch. Also, we’d love to chat about creating a future at your company where data is not just managed but transformed into a strategic asset.

Considering attending the AIIM Conference next year? Our CEO Tim Brady explains why that’s a great idea and shares his thoughts on the most important topic information management leaders should be thinking about in 2024. View the video.


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