Webinar: 4 Easy Steps to Data Compliance in SharePoint

Webinar: 4 Easy Steps to Data Compliance in SharePoint

Last Updated on May 15, 2023 Sarah Gayda

One-third of the organizations we talk with are still assessing how to get the most from SharePoint and Office 365, including new Microsoft data compliance tools.

There is a way to capture and classify emails and files to make data easily accessible and compliant all in one shot.

To provide practical insight, Colligo has teamed up with Microsoft MVP/RD and 19-year SharePoint veteran, Joel Oleson, to offer a webinar with simple steps to set up your environment to protect data in a way that’s easy for users and advances the company’s information compliance.

SharePoint data compliance made easy: Site classifications, labels and the user experience – 1 hour webinar.

Learn 4 easy steps to SharePoint data compliance:

  1. How to determine label names
  2. How to create, publish and apply labels to libraries
  3. How to create and apply data loss prevention (DLP) policies to warn users and block data from risk
  4. How to make it easy for users to save and classify files to SharePoint without leaving Outlook and Office 365.

Webinar 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 Joel observes, “many companies are missing the keys to success and may find a lot of value in seeing a sample built out based on prescriptive guidance. SharePoint Online may seem plug and play, and releasing the service as is and letting users get on with their work and sites may seem like the right thing to do.

“The reality is, with a little bit of configuration the environment can be setup in a much more purposeful way to protect data and the company from litigation due to lack of reasonable compliance actions taken to protect information privacy and records.”

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